Capt. Cass Welcomes You Aboard! ![]() & MUSEUM Logo design by Cassie Forrington, Graphic Artist cforrington at gmail Sea Glass Marble Display Sea Glass Museum ![]() ![]() GO TO THE GLASS BEACH JEWELRY SITE And This Is: The "Symbol of Unity" A New Peace Symbol For The 21st Century ![]() The Symbol of Unity is copyrighted by Capt. Joseph H. (Cass) Forrington, 2003 All Rights Reserved The Symbol Contains The: Buddhist Wheel Christian Cross Hindu Om Jewish Star of David Muslim Crescent Moon and Star Help Spread Peace Through Understanding. The Meaning of Life How the World Works The Way To Peace Through Understanding *********************** Go To The Symbol of Unity Site |
![]() This Ship Was My Last Command ![]() SS Green Valley MAIN MENU HOME Sea & Beach Glass Jewelry Sea Glass Museum "General Relativity and Effects in Time as Causation" Read The Captain's Paper In "The Journal of Cosmology" And Find Out How Your World Works From The SCIENTIFIC Perspective! Symbol of Unity After Reading The Scientific Perspective, Find Out How Your World Works From The SPIRITUAL Perspective That Is The Basis Of The The Science! The "Quantum Tales" that demonstrate the how the two work together to manifest your miraculous world. Unity Products Scrolling LED Personal Advertising Badges Hyperimmune Egg - Immune System Support Other Products Contact Us Site Map NEW! "Beaches Of Glass, A History & Tour Of The Glass Beaches Of Fort Bragg, Ca." ![]() By Capt. Cass Forrington! CLICK HERE For The Sea Glass Museum Gift Shop |
Thank You For Visiting! I finished a new paper on Cosmology and the origins of the universe on 8/14/2017 and after several updates and revisions finished the current version on 4/8/2018. The paper was published in the Journal of Cosmology, Vol. 26, on 7/29/2019: General Relativity: Effects in Time as Causation, On 10/3/2019 the journal began their first new volume in 3 years, Vol. 27, "Time Dilation Cosmology in the Evolving Spacetime/Quantum Continuum: General Relativity and the Hubble Shift", based upon my paper and model of the universe, hoping to encourage papers that support and expand upon it. I have been working on further concepts implied by my theory. One of those came up in a forum the other day when someone wanted me to talk about "particles". What I told him led him to ask me if I was saying particles didn't exist and that led to me sharing these short "quantum" tales: "They don't exist as a "thing". They are evolving events. An electron is neither a particle nor a wave. It is an electron, which can display both properties depending on how we observe it. This is why I don't like discussing particles. Of course we consider a ball to be a "particle" for practical purposes, but it is not. It is an interaction of the waveform probabilities within the continuum. When you are not looking at your ball, it doesn't even exist for you. We can never find a way to formulate absolute quantum determination because our actions, including thoughts, hopes, expectations and observations, affect the next instant's manifestation of events. For instance, I have a sea glass business and would ocean kayak to my favorite collecting site. I landed at the beach one day and found two marbles right next to each other right next to my kayak. They were just plain, colorless, well frosted, marbles but marbles are rarer than reds (which are 1 in 5,000 pieces) and to find two right next to each other is remarkable. So I said, "Lord, (the Creator is neither male nor female, but this is how I address It) thank you. I sure would like to find a red marble, though. I've got a blue one, and I thank you, but I sure would like to find a red one. Please, Lord?" I put that thought aside and went back picking and after about 2 hours I was tired and it was time to go tide-wise, but there was just a little more beach to cover, so I decided to just make a quick pass and see if I could spot anything big just lying on top. Normally I would walk very slowly, looking for the gems amongst all the other glass. Just before I got to the end there was this huge red marble. It's 15/16ths of an inch in diameter. It is a beautiful blood red with a white swirl that forms a wave. Click on this link to view it. I rolled my eyes up and went, "Lord!, Oh God! Dear Lord, etc." Then, when I bent down to pick up the marble, there were also two pieces of jewelry quality RED glass, one on either side of the marble. I went, "Oh, Lord! Dear God!, etc." a bunch more and danced around with tears in my eyes. This is how the Creator talks to me. The two red pieces, to me, were the Creator saying the marble was not a coincidence, that I asked for red and got red. The odds of finding all three together are just too vast for it to be otherwise. I would also note that I had only pictured a small, regular sized red marble when I asked. I find the Creator always gives us a much better version of what we ask for than what we imagined. I believe this is because the Creator has a by far greater imagination than we do. The point here is that neither the marble, nor even that section of beach it lay upon, existed for me until I observed them and all the superposition possibilities collapsed into my reality, which was partly determined by my wishes, faith and expectations. This eliminates the possibility of the formulation of an absolute quantum determination. It is also why I don't like discussing "particles". :) I don't include the above in my paper because it is indeterminate. The Girl and Reds: One day there was a girl about age 8 or 9 at the beach. She was only looking for reds (1 in 5,000 pieces). In 2 hours, she found 9 reds, whereas I, who was looking for whatever, would find a red every 3 or 4 months. At one point she came running up to me and starting talking to me and as we were finishing up she looked down and picked up a beautiful red right from right between my feet. I wanted to strangle that poor little girl. :) Children tend to find what they are looking for because they believe they can. A Stranger's Faith I began my business by selling on the headlands. One day a man came down and asked me where to look. I told him there was a slag pile in the cove next to me and that because it replenished the beach he might find something rare like a red. He came back in about 15 minutes with a beautiful red and asked me where else he could look. Knowing what was happening and laughing to myself, I told him he could go to the beach behind me and that there was much more glass there and maybe he could find something even rarer, like a grape purple, which are 1 in 10,000 pieces. He came back in about 20 minutes with a beautiful grape purple. I found about 1 a year. :) He simply believed what I told him, as would a little child. Sound familiar? |
An Officer and A Gentleman, Captain Cass Forrington CONTACT INFO: Mail: Capt. J. H. (Cass) Forrington P. O. Box 56 Fort Bragg, Ca 95437 Mendocino County United States of America Lat 39-26.5N Long 123-48.5W Phone: +707-357-1585 Email Me Site Map Web Author: Capt. J. H. (Cass) Forrington Copyright ©2002 This Site and Contents are Copyright Protected - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED |